


Our extensive experience with and specialization in Telecommunications brings significant advantages to our engagements and client relationships. Find out how KLP can help today!

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Rich Telecom Experience

KLP provides outsourced accounting, auditing, and tax services to independent rural telephone companies located in Indiana. Many of the companies have expanded their business operations through affiliated corporations. These entities offer products and services that include Internet access, IPTV, long distance, cellular telephone service, equipment sale and leasing, real estate development, technical support and competitive local telephone service. Our experience in these areas will enable us to advise you on accounting and tax methods used and being considered by other companies in the industry.

Team Telecommunications Experience

Every member of our professional team has experience working on telecommunications engagements.

Tax Compliance and Planning

We have knowledge and experience with co-operative taxation and capital credit issues that will continue to be an invaluable resource. Your tax-exempt status is extremely valuable and we will continue to advise you on methods to minimize the taxes you pay. As an Indiana firm, we provide you with an important resource on State taxation. Indiana property tax has undergone significant changes over the past few years which have impacted the reporting requirements and taxes you pay. We have worked with the staff to stay abreast of these changes. We have represented a number of our clients in protest hearings before the Indiana Department of Revenue on sales and utilities receipts tax issues. We are also positioned to share the results from other tax audits to the extent that it does not violate client confidentiality.

Superior Personal Communication and Interaction Skills

Most of our telecommunications clients have been with us for many years. We believe the reason for this goes beyond having excellent technical skills. We communicate regularly and on a level that gives management and their employees’ confidence that we have their company’s best interest at heart. The foundation for our communication is built on the following three principles.

1. Reduce employee turnover

Communication and interaction are more difficult when a CPA firm assigns new individuals to your engagement every year.  That is why we have made a commitment to minimizing turnover of our team members. Once we have assigned a team of accountants to you, we make every effort to send the same individuals back year after year.

2. Questions are Encouraged

You or your team members can call us anytime for advice on miscellaneous accounting and tax matters. You will not be charged for that advice unless the question or issue requires additional research and analysis. This can be particularly valuable in a specialized industry. Chances are we may have answered the same question for someone else.

3. Deep involvement and participation in Telecom Associations

We stay current on issues that affect our telecom clients through both ITA and Indiana Rural Broadband Association (INRBA), an organization of independent telephone companies. This group provides us an excellent opportunity to communicate and interact with owners, officers, and employees. We also serve as the outside accountant to both of these organizations.

Contact us today to request more information on any of these industries. One of our dedicated accountants is available and committed to helping you with your telecommunications process.