

A need exists for both small and large accounting firms. One firm cannot be all things to all businesses. At Kehlenbrink, Lawrence & Pauckner, CPA’s (KLP), we know which businesses we best serve and which of our services can add the greatest value to our clients’ accounting needs. We are an established firm staffed with solutions-focused problem solvers.

As smaller firm that’s long been established, we’ve experienced minimal turnover that enables us to provide added value to our clients. Here are a few ways that an established and smaller accounting firm benefits our clients:

Easier to navigate – Our clients maintain access to firm partners and managers that have remained in place for years. Each senior level staff member has a level of familiarity with our clients, allowing clients to easily navigate contact with necessary staff to address any questions. With low staff turnover, our clients can reach those most familiar with their account, anytime.

Individualized attention – At KLP, we pride ourselves on making our clients more successful. We believe, that in order to accomplish that, our clients must receive individualized attention. Unlike large accounting firms, we are able to build teams tailored to our client’s needs and maintain a level of understanding of that client within the entire firm.

Better positioned for compliance – Because we keep the same people involved on a client’s accounting, with minimal turnover, we streamline our clients’ ability to get through necessary exercises for financial and tax statement preparations. We avoid multiple hand offs for clients and negate the need for ramp up periods to get positioned properly for such exercises.

For small businesses looking for individualized attention on their financial needs, a smaller accounting firm like KLP is best positioned to provide that. In today’s complex world, ourgoal is to surpass our clients’ expectations by proactively working with them to help build better businesses and create personal wealth.


What other benefits do you see in working with a smaller accounting firm that’s well established?